kider 发表于 2007-12-28 18:02:25

12/31“舞•动今宵”职场精英时尚欢乐派对 “Rock It Tonight” Party Time

时间:2007年12月31日(周一) 20:00至24:00, (19:30到20:00为签到时间)
地点:北京市朝阳区 泰悦豪庭1座5层 金戈铁马西餐会所

2007年的12月31日,如果你在北京,如果你正在考虑如何迎接崭新的2008年,如果你期望遇见热心,充满情趣的伙伴和朋友… 那么,请在这个岁末,加入我们的派对,“舞•动今宵”,辞旧迎新。





1, 报名方式(以下任选一种,请务必告知实名、人数和性别并留下您的手机号码或电子邮件,便于我们提前整理名单和安排节目。报名截止时间2007年12月30日下午18点):

b. 发短信至13466582280或13501265988(仅用于短信报名)或者发送邮件到;
c. 点击链接跟贴报名。


本活动同时征集现场礼品赞助,有意者请联系Willie 13501265988或Steven 13910254507。

金戈铁马西餐会所:北京市朝阳区三里屯南街16号 泰悦豪庭酒店1座5层(朝阳医院北门向东150米路口东北角或三里屯酒吧街与白家庄路交汇处,问路电话:65860198, 65860199)
交通提示:公交车:乘坐113、115电车、406、416环路、431、701、758、834到“三里屯”站或乘坐特3、特8、43、运通 107、113、350、402、405、420、421、627、671、703、705、707、750、757、801、974等到“白家庄”站下车,找到泰悦豪庭即可;自驾或乘出租车,环线可从东三环白家庄路口西行或东二环行至三里屯南街顶头即可找到,也可选择从新东路,工体北路,工体南路等到达。

“Rock It Tonight” Party Time

Time: 20:00pm-midnight, December 31st, 2007. Check-in 19:30pm-20:00pm
Venue: Kerchin Steak House, 5th Floor, Tower A, Taiyue Suites
No. 16 Nan San Li Tun Lu, Chao Yang District, Beijing (Road instructions, call 65860198, 65860199 or click to find it on the map Taiyue Suites)
Organizer: e-Salon
Capacity: 108
Investment: RMB98 per person including venue, facility, finger food and fruits, red wine, soft drinks, gifts etc.

Wanna spend the last day of the year with another 100 super girls and boys in town? Are you ready to have lots of FUN before the next day breaks? What are you waiting for when you have available a good many friends just coming for you…

It’s time you packed all the feelings, be it happy or sad, and let it all out at an awesome night full of dancing, screaming, hugging, games, shows, laughter…

Yes, we have planned it just for you.

By participation preferably with another friend of yours, you will be rewarded with an opportunity to network with a selected group of local and expatriate professionals and fun lovers. Besides, with an agenda carefully designed and well-prepared only for fun, you will be walking into the year 2008 with a little bit of sweat, a huge amount of tumbling, a little bit of chatting, and a huge amount of wowing among the best people in town. That’s guaranteed!

Thrilled? Seats are limited, come join us now.

Tips for sign-ups:

. Please leave your full name, gender and contact number and/or email when you sign up using any of the 3 ways below:
a. Signing-up by commenting on this post
b. SMS to 13466582280 or 13501265988 or email:
c. Click the link
. Sign-up deadline: 18pm, Dec 30th, 2007
. Please bring a small gift for an exchange with your mystery partner
. Dress code: party or smart casual
. Smoking is not allowed at the venue

kider 发表于 2008-8-1 09:55:22

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