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[培训] MySQL管理员认证培训

发表于 2011-10-14 16:39:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
课程名称:MySQL 5.0 for Database Administrator
适用对象:本课程适用于管理 MySQL 的数据库管理员和开发人员。对关系数据库和SQL有一定的使用经验的人员;

描述 MySQL 体系结构,一般操作特性及运行中的资源利用
利用 MySQL 应用中包含的多种程序完成数据库管理任务
利用 MySQL 管理员图形用户界面管理 MySQL 服务器
为最常用的操作系统安装及更新 MySQL 5.0
完成 MySQL 启动和关闭操作
在运行时间配置 MySQL 服务器选项
了解数据锁定概念以及在 MySQL 中不同级别的锁定
MySQL 中多种存储引擎的区别
建立、维护和管理 MySQL 表
利用多种 MySQL 工具完成备份及恢复操作
管理访问 MySQL 服务器的用户
提升 MySQL 服务器的安全性
利用多重技巧优化Schemas (数据库)
利用 MySQL 监视工具分析服务器性能问题

  • MySQL Overview, Products, Services
  • MySQL Services and Support
  • Supported Operating Services
  • MySQL Certification Program
  • Training Curriculum Paths
  • MySQL Documentation Resources
MySQL Architecture
  • Describe the client/server model
  • Understand communication protocols
  • Understand how the server supports storage engines
  • Explain the basics of how MySQL uses memory and disk space
System Administration
  • Choose between types of MySQL distributions
  • Install the MySQL Server
  • Describe the MySQL Server installation file structure
  • Start and stop the MySQL server
  • Upgrade MySQL
  • Run multiple MySQL servers on a single host
Server Configuration
  • Set up MySQL server configuration files
  • Explain the purpose of dynamic server variables
  • Review the server status variables available
  • Configure operational characteristics of the MySQL server
  • Describe the available log files
  • Explain binary logging
Clients and Tools
  • Describe the available clients for administrative tasks
  • Use MySQL administrative clients
  • Use the mysql command line clients
  • Use the mysqladmin for administrative tasks
  • Describe available MySQL tools
  • List the available APIs (drivers and connectors)
Data Types
  • Describe the major categories of data types
  • Explain the meaning of NULL
  • Describe column attributes
  • Explain character set usage with data types
  • Choose an appropriate data type
Obtaining Metadata
  • List the various metadata access methods available
  • Recognize the structure of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database schema
  • Use the available commands to view metadata
  • Describe differences between SHOW statements and INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables
  • Use the mysqlshow client program
  • Use INFORMATION_SCHEMA to create shell commands and SQL statements
Transaction and Locking
  • Use transaction control statement to run multiple SQL statements concurrently
  • Explain the ACID properties
  • Describe the transaction isolation levels
  • Use locking to protect transactions
InnoDB Storage Engine
  • Describe the InnoDB storage engine
  • Set the storage engine to InnoDB
  • Illustrate the InnoDB tablespace storage system
  • Efficiently configure the tablespace
  • Use foreign keys to attain referential integrity
  • Explain InnoDB locking
Other Storage Engines
  • Explain the general purpose of storage engines in MySQL
  • List the storage engines available for MySQL
  • Describe the key features of the MyISAM storage engine
  • Describe the key features of the MEMORY storage engine
  • Give an overview of other storage engines: FEDERATED, ARCHIVE, BLACKHOLE, NDBCLUSTER
  • Choose an appropriate storage engine
  • Define partitioning and its particular use in MySQL
  • Determine server partitioning support
  • List the reasons for using partitioning
  • Explain the types of partitioning
  • Create partitioned tables
  • Describe subpartitioning
  • Obtain partitioning metadata
  • Use partitioning to improve performance
User Management
  • Depict the user connection and query process
  • List requirements for user authentication
  • Use SHOW PROCESSLIST to show which threads are running
  • Create, modify and drop user accounts
  • List requirements for user authorization
  • Describe the levels of access privileges for users
  • List the types of privileges
  • Grant, modify and revoke user privileges
  • Recognize common security risks
  • Describe security risks specific to the MySQL installation
  • List security problems and counter-measures for network, operating system, filesystem and users
  • Protect your data
  • Use SSL for secure MySQL server connections
  • Explain how SSH enables a secure remote connection to the MySQL server
  • Find additional information for common security issues
Table Maintenance
  • Recognize types of table maintenance operations
  • Execute SQL statements for table maintenance
  • Client and utility programs for table maintenance
  • Maintain tables according to specific storage engines
Exporting and Importing Data
  • Exporting Data using SQL
  • Importing Data using SQL
Programming Inside MySQL
  • Creating and executing Stored Routines
  • Describing stored routine execution security
  • Creating and executing triggers
  • Creating, altering and dropping events
  • Explaining even execution scheduling
  • Defining views
  • Reasons to use views
  • Altering, checking and removing a view
  • Setting privileges for views
MySQL Backup and Recovery
  • Describing backup basics
  • Types of backups
  • Backup tools and utilities
  • Making binary and text backups
  • Role of log and status files in backups
  • Data Recovery
Introduction to Replication
  • Describing MySQL Replication
  • Managing the MySQL Binary Log
  • Explaining MySQL replication threads and files
  • Setting up a MySQL Replication Environment
  • Monitoring MySQL Replication
  • Troubleshooting MySQL Replication
Introduction to Performance Tuning
  • Using EXPLAIN to Analyze Queries
  • General Table Optimizations
  • Monitoring status variables that affect performance
  • Setting and Interpreting MySQL server Variables
  • Course Overview
  • MySQL Curriculum
  • Course Evaluation
  • Thank You!
  • Q&A Session

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QQ|申请友链|小黑屋|Archiver|手机版|MySQL社区 ( 京ICP备07012489号   
联系人:周生; 联系电话:13911732319

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